A few nice celebrity yearbook photos images I found:
Image from page 219 of "The Forfar Directory and Yearbook 1909" (1908)
Image by Internet Archive Book Images Identifier: forfardirectoryy1909unse Title: The Forfar Directory and Yearbook 1909 Year: 1908 (1900s) Authors: Subjects: Publisher: W. Shepherd, Castle St, Forfar Contributing Library: Angus Council Digitizing Sponsor: National Library of Scotland View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: um-ber contains a long in-stalment of a powerfuland dramatic serialstory, and one or morecomplete stories.These are contributedby such well-knownwriters as William-LeQufiux, A, W, March-mottVf Headon Hill,: Captain Frank Shaw,Marie Connor Leighton, Mrs C. N. Williamson, and other noted authors..There are also varied general and topical articles which not onlyentertain but impart useful information to the reader ; a weekly Chatwith a Celebrityâ"with portraitâ"of great interest to all who delight inkeeping in touch with men and things; a Page for Ladies; LegalAdvice Column; Humorous Storyettes, contributed by readers, andfor which cash prizes are given and payment made ; Humorous Illus-trations, and other attractions. Every copy of Cassells Saturday Journal contains a FreeInsurance Coupon for ;^i,ooo in case of death by Train, Steamboat,Omnibus (including Motor Bus), Tramcar, Motor Car, or Cab ; and£50 in case of death through a Cycling Accident. No traveller shouldbe without a copy. Text Appearing After Image: Waiter, this chicken is very tough. Very sorry, sir, but that chicl<en is a peculiar bird. Whenwe came to liill it, we couldnt catch it, so at last we had to shootit. It flew on the house-top Then you must have shot the weathercocli by mistake. 1 Weekly, Id. On Sale Everywhere Also Monthly, 6d. London, Paris, New York, Toronto and Melbourne ^ CASSELL & COMPANY. LIMITED A distinct advance on anything at present offered to thepublic, both in quality and quantity,â"Bla.ck and White* SFIEHOI0 HOLieAY HyWSER Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Image from page 218 of "The Forfar Directory and Yearbook 1909" (1908)
Image by Internet Archive Book Images Identifier: forfardirectoryy1909unse Title: The Forfar Directory and Yearbook 1909 Year: 1908 (1900s) Authors: Subjects: Publisher: W. Shepherd, Castle St, Forfar Contributing Library: Angus Council Digitizing Sponsor: National Library of Scotland View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: t is an exceptionallyattractive issue of the magazine which holds the premier place among all the Home magazines of the story which begmsin the ChristmasNumber, and willrun through 1909, isfrom the pen of MissAmy Le Feuvre, theexceedingly popularwriter of so manywell-known stories,including ProbableSons, TeddysButton, etc. Thereare complete storiesin the ChristmasNumber by Annie S.Swan, J. J. Bell, E.Everett Green, andother well - knownwriters. A Christ-mas sermon by theBishop of Peter-borough, and a beau-tiful poem by RalphConnor, are otherfeatures of thenumber. A beautifulcoloured plate, TheGood Shepherd,will be presentedwith each copy ofthe number. During 1909 manyof the leading authorsand artists will con-tribute to TheQuiver, and provide every month a wide variety of attractive stories and articlessuitable for home reading. The magazine is now printed throughout on speciallyfine paper, and has been improved in every possible way so as to maintain its greatreputation. Monthly, 6d. Text Appearing After Image: London, Paris, New York, Toronto and Melbourne CASSELL & COMPANY. LIMITED Cassells Saturday Journal For mental recrea-tion after a days workin office or shop, orfor a welcome changefrom newspaper read-ing, there is nothingso entertaining as aperiodical consisting ofvaried and interestingliterature. One of themost popular papersthat caters for allclasses is CassellsSaturday Journal,in which every memberof the family can findsomething to suit hisor her particular taste.Each weekly num-ber contains a long in-stalment of a powerfuland dramatic serialstory, and one or morecomplete stories.These are contributedby such well-knownwriters as William-LeQufiux, A, W, March-mottVf Headon Hill,: Captain Frank Shaw,Marie Connor Leighton, Mrs C. N. Williamson, and other noted authors..There are also varied general and topical articles which not onlyentertain but impart useful information to the reader ; a weekly Chatwith a Celebrityâ"with portraitâ"of great interest to all who delight inkeepin Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Villa Fleming, Lugano, 1970
Image by A.Davey This photo from my freshman yearbook of The American School in Switzerland captures the dreamy mood of the Ticino, the Italian-speaking canton of Switzerland. The American School in Switzerland: children of celebrities, diplomats, deposed dictators, industrialists, expats, and parents simply seeking to give their kids a different perspective on the world. This is my original scan of an original non-digital image I own.